Davki Innovation

We are relentless in our pursuit of excellence, meaning we have to adapt, stay nimble and be willing to challenge the status quo. Remaining the same is not an option.

In our early years, we found data that showed over 80% of customers who used security companies had no tangible way of knowing if those companies were delivering on their service effectively. Customers felt like they were in the dark a lot of the time when it came to the security companies they were using.

With transparency and accountability being our benchmark, we looked to technology to ensure we were not part of that statistic, but also help to close the gap between us and our own customers.

Our very own Breakthrough system has become an integral part of closing that gap and is a clear differentiator for Davki. Integrating geo-fencing and mapping, smart touch Services, live functionality for time stamped reporting, daily task management, are some of the features included in the tool that enables us to deliver on the benchmark we have set for ourselves.

Davki will continue to innovate to better serve our customers through our technology, processes and service, and of course our people.